and a vary nice letter =)
Friday, August 14, 2009
and a vary nice letter =)
Posted by Bucking Bill at 10:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Drum roll please
So we did our little thing and now we know the winners haha and I am sure you want to know too but first lets look at all the people that got in on this =)

and now on to the winners =)
that I love and I am sure you we too =)
Oh I wouldnt do that to you guys it is the lovely Jess =) I hope you all had fun and I hope to have another contest some time =)
Posted by Bucking Bill at 5:59 PM 7 comments
Okay all stop typing it is all over no more enterys of any kind will be taken you can still send stories if you want I love ever last one I got =) you guys are amazing and maybe someday we can do some of what was in your stories haha I am at work so you wont know the winner till I get home so I you dont have to sit on the edge oh your sets for hours go have fun and come back in 4 hrs. hope you all have a good day =)
Posted by Bucking Bill at 12:00 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
just because
I know some of you wanted to see how the cake turned out so here are some pics of it =)
Posted by Bucking Bill at 12:42 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
HNT: frosting haha
it is kinda fuzzy because it was taken by a phone but it is funny =)
Posted by Bucking Bill at 7:28 PM 2 comments
My BIG B-Day Contest
So here it is that thing I was telling you about that is so amazing that even you have to be happy on my B-Day =). EdenFantasys and Tantus are letting me giveaway some amazing things. First up we have EdenFantasys they are going to give you the choice of one of my three favorite lubes which if you didnt know are the Toko silicone lubricant, Wet body glide in the cherry, and Maximus. Then we have Tantus giving one of my favorite toys from them that I already have the O2 Niagara. I am sure by now you want to know how can I get in on this I just have to know well there are a couple of ways you can get in on this you can do the ever growwing way of followwing me and tweeting about it =) only one tweet a day will be counted this will get you enterd for both. Then if you want to be enterd for your choice of lube leave a comment on your favorite slippery situation. If you want to enter for the tantus toy leave me a comment with a story of me and you using a Tantus toy. You can enter both if you want or you coul just enter one it is all up to you if you want some extra credit you can post a link to this contest on your blog or site and post the link here =). This is going to go on for the next 7 days so at "12 in the after noon"♫ (haha had to do that) one week from now I will pick out the winners.
Posted by Bucking Bill at 12:00 PM 15 comments
Its my B-Day
So it is finally my birthday =) after a log ass year of ups and downs haha. (right now I would say I am on a up.) So all yesterday well at lest from the time I got up I was working on the cake (seen below) it is three layers lol and yes that is home made frosting and it is perple but you cant really see that. I still have to decorate it then it will be good to eat. In between making the layers I had to help put to gather the party for today because some one couldnt get there friends to help out like they wanted haha. From what we got so far it should be fun not too many people but the real fun will start later that night because thanks to edenfantasys I am getting a feeldoe and a Xtreme pack that I cant wait to use. later today I will have a little something for all of you to celabrate my birthday hope you all have a good day.
Posted by Bucking Bill at 3:56 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hay all Eden is giving away a $100 gift card Yes thats right $100 you cant spend how ever you like on anything you want but you must go here to enter.
Posted by Bucking Bill at 5:26 PM 0 comments